Katya Collazo
Native Gardens
By Karen Zacarías
Directed by Timothy Douglas
Pioneer Theatre Company
Salt Lake City, UT
"I found so much relatable about Katya Collazo (Tania Del Valle). Perhaps it stems from the fact that I have moved to a location purely for the trees (her hugging the oak was so familiar), or that I am very into the native gardening scene (I have had that heated horticultural dispute. For any locals, I highly recommend the Conservation Garden Park in West Jordan and the related Utah State University classes), Collazo crafts real passion into her character. She also had a raw honesty when admitting that her character, Tania, can make mistakes (it caused me to reflect on my “passionately rational” approach to my preferences)." -Jason and Alisha Hagey, Front Row Reviewers

No Child...
Directed by Regina Renee Russell
Kitchen Theatre Company
Ithaca, NY
"And it's Collazo’s high energy and rapid transformation that informs each of these “selves,” these individuals and their unique personalities. Narrating the story is her old janitor, pushing his broom, dedicated to the school and the students over generations. His philosophizing gives us the long view, while Sun’s highs and lows over the struggling students and setbacks keep us in the moment.
And Collazo excels as the different students, all initially resisting –– the sassy girl, the bashful boy with a speech impediment, the nonconformist who’s opted out, only to reveal he’s memorized the heart of the script." Barbara Adams, Ithaca Times

Nina Simone: Four Women
Directed by Tiffany Nichole Greene
Arizona Theatre Company, Tucson/Phoenix, AZ
"Katya Collazo does a very good job portraying the conflict, struggle and confusion in being a light-skinned Black woman who can often "pass" as white." Gil Benbrook, Talkin Broadway (Regional Reviews: Phoenix)
"The second woman is Sephronia, (treated with layered resentment by Katya Collazo). She has lighter skin, born of a white father and a black mother. Her pain lies in the conflicted space between two worlds and the grievous recognition of the white man's upper hand." Robert Encila-Celdran, BroadwayWorld.com
"Katya Collazo brought a well-intentioned earnestness to Sephronia, a civil rights worker who is of mixed-race and often gets harassed because of her lighter skin."Kathleen Allen, Arizona Daily Star (Tucson)

The Gallerist
short film directed by Adam Holoubek
"On the narrative level, while both Lara and Antoinette (Katya Collazo) are vaguely defined characters, Lara tilts more towards benign, while there is something unsettling about Antoinette, emphasized by Collazo's dialogue delivery." Indie Shorts Mag Team

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Directed by Ezra Barnes
Playhouse on Park, West Hartford, CT
"Katya Collazo, who plays Nurse Flinn and Sandra, performs two characters who have completely opposite personalities. Nurse Flinn is a devout Catholic, while Sandra is the live in the moment type of person. Collazo performs both characters wonderfully, for when she is performing as Nurse Flinn, she becomes stoic in appearance and composes herself in a formal manner, and when she performs as Sandra, she acts with a free-spirited attitude." Joshua Gorero, CT Critics Circle
"Katya Collazo was most effective in her Playhouse on Park debut as the mousy and devout Nurse Flinn and also covered the role of the partygirl Sandra..."-Nancy Sasso Janis, Naugatauk Patch (CT)
"Katya Collazo is equally as wonderful as the meeker Nurse Flinn and also, prostitute Sandra"- Pillow Talking Blog Review (CT)